NewMeTea Review

Hi guys! I wanted to share with you my experience with the NewMeTea. I like to try different kinds of detoxes, and I love tea, so I especially love teatoxes. This tea was sent to me to try out, and I took some before and after photos as well! Keep in mind that when you are trying to lose weight, it is generally a good rule of thumb to eat a healthy diet as well. There is no point in drinking a detox tea, or a detox of any kind for that matter, if you are just going to eat a ton of junk food and not look after yourself. Exercising is going to boost your progress as well, so be sure to do that for faster results. I am really hesitant to share these photos with you, because I was at a very down point in my life in the before shots. I still am nowhere near where I want to be, but every day I get a little bit closer by making healthier choices. Drinking this tea helped keep me motivated, because I had something to look forward to. It motivated me...