Why SPF Is So Important

I'm sure this is common knowledge by now, but in my defense, you'd be surprised how little people pay attention, or just care. BUT, did you know that sunlight and UV radiation are the number one causes of aging? So wearing SPF every day is crucial to our skin health. Yes, every day, as in, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Even if it is an overcast day, the UV rays still come through the clouds and can still damage the skin. If you care at all about your skin, or the effects of aging, you most definitely should be wearing SPF every day! Here are a couple of products from a clean skin care brand I've had the privilege of trying out and have been loving! The Sun Shield Liquid SPF by MyCHELLE Dermaceuticals has been my favorite! It comes in tinted shades as well, which is perfect for those of use who want a little bit of coverage but don't want to wear makeup during the boiling summer months. I have a tinted one and it gives such beautiful sheer coverage! ...