Certified MUA
For those of you who don't know, and for those of you who have asked, I attended school online at RPM Makeup Academy. They are located in Las Vegas but they also have online courses. I would have chosen to go to school physically, but I had no choice, due to the fact that I live in an area where there are no schools for cosmetology. The courses at RPM are actually very detailed and easy to follow, and they are taught by celebrity makeup artist Rain Andreani. A lot of people are confused as to how you take makeup artistry courses online, and how you do makeup at all if it's online. You actually do makeup on a model (friends or family), take before and after photos, then turn them in as an assignment and wait for them to be graded. Simple.
There are different courses to choose from, and prices vary depending on which one you choose. I chose the one with special FX, the most expensive one, which was $800. It is work at your own pace, which was great for me because I am a full time mom and also had a part time job at the time. Anyway, I feel as if I am just rambling now, so if you'd like to check the site out, you can go to http://makeuponlinetraining.com/ and get more information.
So I know I have not been keeping up with any of my beauty related networks for awhile now, and it has made me feel so bad, trust me. I miss it so much. I've been so busy with taking care of Rylee and working. However, I am not working at the moment due to a stressful work environment. So I am currently looking for another job right now. I am going to try much harder to film YouTube videos, post beauty blogs and reviews, and all that fun stuff. If I don't post much now, I will definitely be posting a lot more in the near future when Danny is in school for web development and I am not constantly nursing Rylee.
The reason I say "constantly" nursing Rylee is because she is 9.5 months old, and she still naps a lot throughout the day, instead of taking a few long naps, she takes many short naps. She hates sleeping. And she won't sleep unless I am nursing her (I know, terrible habit). But I will be done nursing when she is a year old, and she will be sleeping in her own crib soon (she co sleeps obviously). Anyway, I have lots of fun ideas coming soon! As well as some giveaways, which I am super excited about. I love giving back to you guys.
So very soon I will be filming a haul video for the things I will be getting for my kit. I have already purchased a few things, but I have many more to get still! Lots from MAC! I will also be doing some reviews on products soon, and I will try my best to do some makeup tutorials, although I do not have a tripod just yet (still working on that)!
Thank you for sticking by me and being so patient. You guys are amazing and I am truly SO thankful for you. <3 Love you all.
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